Ukrainian Dark Blue Week 2023
A week to remind the world that Ukraine hasn’t disapeared from the swing map! Their community is full of talented, charismatic dancers, who can share and be an inspiration even at the time when their country is at war. We’ve invited a group of those dancers to join our school for a week in its day-to-day life.
From 27.2. to 3.3. they will hop on the schedule of our regular classes, dance and non-dance open classes and conclude the stay with three proper parties at the Dark Blue Swing Exchange 2023. We’d like to cover the cost of their trip and stay in Brno ourselves – and we’re asking you for a helping hand.

How to take care of your body as a dancer
As dancers, strengthening and stretching our own bodies is often something we neglect. During the first open class, Alina will bring our focus to caring for our active body so that it can better serve us in dance as well as in everyday life. Please bring comfortable clothes and a yoga mat.
Level: open
When: 27.2. 20:10 – 21:20
Where: Studio Kafka 3. floor, Franz Kafka Špitál, Koliště 43, Brno
Price: 200 CZK in the form of contribution towards our transparent account (the more we raise, the more people we can invite!)
Teacher: Alina
Soft shoe
Try tap dancing without the need for tap shoes! Soft shoe is a relaxed, graceful form of tap dancing that uses soft-soled shoes. Dancer separates the sounds of heels and toes to create different rhytmical combinations. Any soft shoes are suitable – it can be sneekers or shoes with small heels. The class will be held in English by Tanya and Olga. There will be two classes with similiar material with slight variations based on the level of participants.
Level: intermediate (in swing dancing, no tap experience needed)
When: 28.2. 18:50 – 20:00
Level: intermediate/advanced (in swing dancing, no tap experience needed)
When: 28.2. 20:10 – 21:20
Where: Studio Kafka 3. floor, Franz Kafka Špitál, Koliště 43, Brno
Price: 200 CZK in the form of contribution towards our transparent account (the more we raise, the more people we can invite!)
Teacher: Tanya + Olga
Body awareness
In any dance style, our body is the instrument. In this class with Genia, we’ll discover how we can use different parts of our body with music, and the feeling of being moved by music itself. Everybody is welcome no matter the experience. The class will be held in English.
Level: open, students of Blues Intermediate group will take this class as a part of their course
When: 1.3.
16:10 – 17:20 or 17:30 – 18:40
Where: Studio Kafka 3. floor, Franz Kafka Špitál, Koliště 43, Brno
Price: 200 CZK in the form of contribution towards our transparent account (the more we raise, the more people we can invite!)
Collage workshop
Collage is a technique that has a noticeable therapeutic effect: tearing and cutting papers helps to release accumulated emotions. The process is very playful and spontaneous, which gives a lot of freedom for your creativity. It doesn’t require any drawing skills, so everyone can join. The workshop will be held in English by Olga.
Level: open
When: 1.3. 19:00 – 21:00
Where: Studio Kafka 4. floor (bar), Franz Kafka Špitál, Koliště 43, Brno
Price: contribution for the materials on the spot
Teacher: Olga
No registration needed.
Improvisation and interaction
The interaction of partners in a dance can be as a drama art. Still, you don’t have to be an actor for it. We will do some simple exercises to find the emotional interaction that can turn your dance into a small play. The lesson will be conducted by Yuliia and Polya. They promote and support swing dances in Dnipro. The workshop will take place in our bar space, which is smaller than dance rooms.
Level: open
When: 2.3. 18:50 – 20:00
Where: Studio Kafka 3. floor, Franz Kafka Špitál, Koliště 43, Brno – AT THE BAR
Price: 200 CZK in the form of contribution towards our transparent account (the more we raise, the more people we can invite!)
Role switching
Most of us learn lindy hop as leaders and followers – but what fun can it be to shake things up a little bit! Come explore the beauty of switching roles while dancing lindy hop. Genia and Olena are so good at it, they even brought it to International Lindy Hop Championships this year, and they absolutely rocked. Main idea – having fun! The class will be held in English.
Level: Beg/Int <
When: 2.3. 17:30 – 18:40
Where: Studio Kafka 4. floor (bar), Franz Kafka Špitál, Koliště 43, Brno
Price: 200 CZK in the form of contribution towards our transparent account (the more we raise, the more people we can invite!)
Teachers: Genia + Olena
Latin rhythms in swing dancing
Let’s incorporate some latin rhythm patterns in your solo jazz! We will explore this rhythms with easy jazz steps and movements to bring a new taste to your improvisation. Hopefuly, these ideas will inspire you for your own creative processes! The class will be held in English by Tanya.
Level: Intermediate +
When: 2.3. 20:10 – 21:20
Where: Studio Kafka 4. floor , Franz Kafka Špitál, Koliště 43, Brno
Price: 200 CZK in the form of contribution towards our transparent account (the more we raise, the more people we can invite!)
Teacher: Tanya
Why do we need to raise funds?
We wish to welcome a group of Ukrainian dancers of different experience in our school and community. Women that had been spending a great deal of their lives swing dancing just a year ago – the same as many of us. With the war taking over their lives, they lost their hobby and some even their livelihood. There has been a small amount of dancing in Ukraine since then, but many don’t view entertainment as proper at the time of a war.
For a week, we’d like to invite swing dancers from Ukraine into an environment they know and have always loved. An environment with undisturbed sleep. An environment in which they can show that despite all odds, Ukraine keeps on dancing – such as during the recent ILHC.
How much do we want to raise?
Whatever we can! Our goal is to be able to invite at least 10 dancers – local and international teachers but also members of the dance community in general.
We’re estimating the costs for one person (with accomodation in the form of hosting) at around 6,000 CZK (250 EUR). Swing Wings is ready to chip in as well, so we have already extended the invitation to 5 interesting personalities. The more money we’re able to raise, the more spots we can offer! Details (including specific costs anticipated) will follow in the upcoming weeks.
How can I chip in?
As for now, you can send any amount to our transparent bank account. You can find a QR code with a sample donation below. For payments from outside of Czech Republic, a bank fee of 4 eur might occur on our side (expect for SEPA payments in EUR from within the EU). We’re currently working on a more friendly way of donating from abroad.
Can I help in other way?
If you’re reading this as a Brno local, you absolutely can! One thing we’re not planning to cover financially is accomodation. If you can host a person or two for a week or even a part of it, we’d be thrilled. Stay tuned for the specifics.
The QR code might not work for foreign accounts. You can still donate to 2201515640/2010 (IBAN: CZ56 2010 0000 0022 0151 5640). For payments from outside of Czech Republic, a bank fee of 4 eur might occur on our side. If you can, please use a SEPA payment in EUR while transfering within the EU, which does not carry a fee for the recipient. Thank you!

Before we start fundraising for specific items and targets, please take this as a small push in the early stages! We’re extremely thankful for even the smallest donation and for your trust in us and this project. You can check our transparent account here.
With love and with gratitude,
Pavli, Míša and Marina
organizers of the Dark Blue Week 2023
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