Sem Tam Blues
Next episode of the blues workshop series happening “sem tam” (from time to time) in Brno You can look forward to another small weekend event with parties and workshops led by interesting local and foreign teachers.
This time we prepared for you a solo class with Peter and a couple class with Peter Kepič and Soňa Lepíková.
Friday 19.7.
20.00 – 2:00 – Party with DJ in Cafe Jaga
Saturday 20 .7.
10:30 – 10:45 – registrations
11:00 – 12:30 – 1st class: solo (open level)
12:30 – 14:30 – Brunch in Swing Wings studio (bring yummy food and share it with others)
14:30 – 16:00 – 2nd class: couple blues (open level)
20:00 – 4:00 – Party with a band in Music Lab

Peter has loved jazz from a young age, starting with bebop and eventually discovering his passion for dance. After moving to Bratislava, Peter began dancing Boogie Woogie. Missing the jazz and swing, he joined a team which was just starting Swing Wings dance school. Soon he became an international instructor visiting most of the countries in Europe and some beyond.
Peter has won numerous dance competitions, but his most treasured achievement is the Golden Lion award, given for his infectious enthusiasm and support on the dance floor. Teaching various dance styles, Peter most values the the music, history and passion for this music, often seen dancing exuberantly at festivals, truly embodying the “Golden Lion” spirit.

Soňa started dancing less than five years ago and immediately fell in love with both swing and blues. Blues music has surrounded her since she was a child, but it wasn’t until she started dancing that she discovered how amazing and diverse this music is and how wonderful it is to dance to! For her, blues dance means emotions, freedom of movement, relaxation, self-expression, and sharing.
Early Bird Full Pass – 1200 Kč (2 parties + 2×90 min classes)
Full pass – 1500 Kč (2 parties + 2×90 min classes)
Early Bird Party pass – 550 Kč (Friday + Saturday party)
Party pass – 600 Kč (Friday + Saturday party)
Friday party – 150 Kč
Saturday party – 450 Kč
* Doporučujeme se na párové lekce registrovat v páru. Ti, kteří se přihlásí sólo, čekají na waiting listu na spárování s účastníkem opačné role.
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** Storno podmínky: Vrácení ceny lístku z naší strany není možné. Pokud se zúčastnit nemůžeš, nabídni prosím své místo ve facebookové události či lokálních skupinách. V případě změny účastníka je třeba kontaktovat nás na pilot@swingwings.cz. Na stejné adrese rádi potvrdíme, zda prodávající danou vstupenku skutečně vlastní.